Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Birthday party!!! and got tired... Still stuck with dependency hell!!!

Last night we go for a dinner party given by one my friend (birthday body).
After that I open my ubuntu box...and tried few software I downloaded in the morning...
I trying to install build-essential...but dependency problem.
then tried gcc-4.1.1 still few dependency problem..
make problem.... lynx I think it installed properly but could not able to check...
small post for today.. I learned quite cool thing in Legacy system...should I discuss hear??? na na...
but this is cool thing...
How MS ppl ( not ppl but their product) help me getting the job done for me.... :-)

Out of 20,000 record I have to find few policiy (insurance term!!!) and then query few table and find some suitable policy to test... cool thing is not it!!! I know u don't follow me..but still ... for my memory let me explain...the process I followed..
1. Manually..... I tried..tried and tried... I reach 200 policy but found nothing... 1.5hr go in vein..
2 Then write a COBOL program... write it... compile it...stuck during the compile time...some DB2 problem... can't access production table..put all my knowledge here...but 2hr go in vein....
3. My techlead suggest me...Cool:-) From the 20,000 record using some cool techniqui I filter out only the policy I required...How to do this?? I won't tell here..bcoz its useless to talke here...but the tool (SPUFI) can't process 20K row in SQL I again I tried 400 row at a time... 2,000 row passed no result.....then what:-)
then download the policy file to word document...using inset-> column I could convert to 4 column but while loading to maiframe it is coming as a single row...(also tried to copy in notepad..not working).....then what :-)
copy the 20,000 record to excel...wrote (my techlead) a macro and the thing got done with in 5 of now I hate excel so much...bcoz I feel this a tool only for manager....but is it?????????
If I know earlier it can save my 5hr of manual work..and still I don't have to ask my tech lead to do it for me......
Bcoz I admire Ayn rand...and one quotation come into my mind...
'Don't Ask people, Don't know what do you want!!!!' ---> this is some thing contradictory...but helps me to decide my self at lot many instatnt....uff!!! going in philosophy...sorry...


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